# Please create a roadmap to guide students, not just to explain the topic. This is a basic template that we recommend. Before publishing the topic, Please delete lines, sentences, or words that start with a hashtag (#).
# Enter the description of the topic.
Pros of learning the #topic
- Tell the advantages of the topic.
- Tell the impact of the topic on the world.
- Tell why students should learn this topic.
Cons of learning the #topic
- Tell the drawbacks of the topic.
- Tell why students should not learn this topic.
- Tell the difficulties that might be faced while learning the topic.
Write your opinion or motivation for students.
Applications of #topic
- Application 1
- Application 2
- Application 3
# Add Sub Topic: To add the topics that needed to be learned within this topic.
# Add Next Topic To add the topics that needed to be learned after this topic.
# If the content of this topic or roadmap does not follow our content policy then we will take action according to our terms of service.